Reporters Stories by Lara Garzilli

Lara Garzilli

Lara Garzilli
Urbino completely stole my heart. I was able to form lifelong friendships, learn a new language, travel to cities I always dreamed of going to, and develop skills that will be incredibly beneficial to my professional career. My favorite part about Urbino is that it deviates from the tourist ridden cities of Italy. The smaller town setting has made my time here so much more invaluable because I could connect with the locals on a more personal level. Somewhere between my daily gelato runs and evenings spent at SugarCafè, I came to the realization that although cultures appear to be different from one another, humanity is so much more similar than what meets the eye. I will be forever grateful to my professors and the ieiMedia program for giving me the opportunity to simultaneously submerse myself in a new culture and study what I am passionate about. As heartbroken as I am to depart from a place that has become a second home to me, I get to leave with memories that will be instilled in my mind for the rest of my life.
When eight-year-old Flavia Morelli told her mother she wanted to play bocce, Emanuela Rosetti was shocked and skeptical of the idea. “This isn’t something a girl normally does,” her mother exclaimed with a puzzled look on her face. Ten years later and Rosetti is proud that her daughter fought to pursue what she is passionate about.